Woodworking routers are versatile power tools used primarily for shaping and hollowing out areas in wood. They consist of a motor that drives a spinning cutter or bit, which can be various shapes and sizes depending on the desired cut. Routers are commonly used for:
- Edge Profiling: Creating decorative edges on wood pieces, such as roundovers, chamfers, ogees, and more.
- Joinery: Making joints like dovetails, box joints, and mortise and tenon joints, which require precise and clean cuts.
- Grooving and Dadoes: Cutting channels or slots along the wood grain for inserting panels, shelves, or joining pieces together.
- Inlays and Templates: Routing out areas to fit inlays or creating templates for repetitive cuts.
- Router Tables: Routers can be mounted upside-down on router tables, allowing for easier control and precision when working on larger pieces or when making precise cuts.
When using a router, safety precautions are crucial due to the high-speed rotating bit. Eye and ear protection, as well as appropriate dust control measures, should always be used. Additionally, understanding different types of router bits and their applications is essential for achieving desired woodworking results.